Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Telling the Family - McDonald's

Every year James and I celebrate Christmas in Okoboji with Jock, Chris, Shelagh & Joe, and Stuart. This year Grandmum McDonald was there to share in the festivities. Every year we start our dinner with "crackers". I wish I knew how to describe them, but I'm not sure. It's a McDonald tradition and I love it. One year Young Stuart discovered you could covertly insert items into the crackers that would fall out when they were "cracked". It was a great discovery as he uncovered this the year a deer decided to jump into my car and destroy it. Stuart snuck two deer whistles into James' cracker and we all got a good laugh out of that.

This year, James and I thought it would be a great idea to put a small baby rattle and baby bottle into Chris' cracker so that when we started dinner she would find the clues and put our secret together. Needless to say, it did not work as planned. The presents are notorious for flying everywhere and they did not fail us this year. The following is the progression of the McDonald's finding out about their soon to be grandchild. I laugh so hard every time I watch it. Stuart gets mad, Chris is confused and Joe catches on before anyone else. I love family dinners at the McDonald's. Enjoy!!

Take 1 - It Begins

Take 2 - What Did You Get?

Take 3 - Stu Gets Mad, Joe Gets It