Well, our little baby is at 32 gestational weeks old now. I don't know if that is a term, but that is where I "am" in our pregnancy. Peanut is moving a lot and still shocking me with these sometimes hard pokes to the belly. I love it though and wouldn't wish for them to stop at all.
My diabetes is going as well as I could hope. Of course, I still complain almost daily that I can't have ice cream. For those of you that know me well, you know I could eat ice cream twice a day for my entire life and still feel like I need more. Alas, I cannot eat it. James and I have found some nice sugar free fudge pops that keep my needs quenched. At least a little bit. I still have plans of a chocolate malt or snickers blizzard from Dairy Queen the minute I'm able to have one. James has been wonderfuly supportive and understanding through this and helps me with my diet every day. It is so nice to have that sort of teamwork to rely on.
I'm now visiting the doctor every two weeks for check ups. I was just in yesterday and the baby is measuring right on and his/her heartbeat was at 152 yesterday.
I'm still fairly comfortable but am getting more and more tired. I think this hot/humid weather plays into that considerably. I don't even want to leave the AC on days like today when it is about 90 with a humidity level of 85% - disgusting. I often wonder why I live in Iowa since I really can't stand any of the seasons besides Fall. Summer - hate the extreme heat and humidity. Spring - hate the threat of tornados. Winter - love it most of the time until March 1 hits, then I'm done. The thing that keeps me here - my family. No doubt. However, James and I often consider another move to keep things interesting! Okay - that was a bit of a rant...back to baby.
Due date is August 3, so 8 weeks away. I feel completely unprepared. Well, not completely. We do have a crib, crib sheets, dresser & changing table and end table. Our rocker is due to arrive today and I have my shower tomorrow - which I'm really looking forward to. I guess the rset of the "small things" will come over the next few weeks and we'll make do with what we have.
I'll post more photos soon of the growing belly. In all honesty, I lost about three pounds when I started the diabetic diet and upped my exercise. I was back even yesterday with my previous weight and have gained 24 lbs in the pregnancy thus far. They recommend 25-35 total weight gain, so I guess I'm right on track. I suppose if ice cream hadn't been banned, I'd have already surpassed that 35 lb. limit!
Hope you are all well. ~ Kel and James